The Flight of Dragons is a 1982 animated film created by Jules Bass as well as Arthur Rankin, Jr. as well as loosely incorporating the speculative natural history book of the same name (1979) by Peter Dickinson with the unique The Dragon and the George (1976) by Gordon R. Dickson. The film focuses after a pursuit carried out to stop a wicked wizard who plans to rule the world by dark magic. A major theme within the story is the concern of whether science and magic could co-exist. This is informed primarily via the encounter of character Peter Dickinson, drawn from the 20th century into the wonderful realm.
Launched straight to video on August 17, 1982, it was aired as an ABC "Saturday Evening Motion picture" on August 2, 1986, and also launched by Warner Brothers as a made-to-order DVD in the United States on 17 November 2009 as part of the "Warner Archive Collection". [1] [2]
The opening track is sung by Don McLean.
The "Green Wizard" Carolinus (Harry Morgan) finds magic failing as mankind embraces science, as well as summons his bros Lo Tae Zhao the Yellow Wizard (Don Messick); Solarius the Blue Wizard (James Earl Jones); as well as Ommadon the Red Wizard (additionally voiced by James Earl Jones), come with by their dragons Shen Tsu, Lunarian, and Bryagh (James Gregory), before whom he deals with to create a "Last Realm of Magic" concealed from the rest of the world. Lo Tae Zhao and Solarius consent, yet Ommadon rather suggests to take control of the globe himself; whereupon the various other wizards make a decision to take Ommadon's crown, the resource of his powers. Because the wizards are restricted to eliminate among themselves, they volunteer Carolinus's dragon Gorbash (Bob McFadden when not Ritter-as-Peter) and the knight Sir Orrin Neville-Smythe (Bob McFadden), to do so, with Solarius giving a shield to disperse dark magic and also Lo Tae Zhao providing a groove to lull dragons to rest. Calling for a third lead character, Carolinus summons Peter Dickinson (John Ritter), a board-game creator and also polymath scientist. Having arrived in the wonderful world, Peter comes to be rapt of Princess Milisande (Alexandra Stoddart), Carolinus's ward.
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